How to prevent Gout?

Gout, also known as Hyperuricemia, is a condition that results from the buildup of uric acid within the joints. Sometimes, kidney stones, nephritic collic, or other problems or malfunctions can be caused by uric acid crystals. Gout is more common in middle-aged people than it is in women. 

In this Channel you will learn all about Gout: Gout Home Remedy

What causes gout?

Gout and high uric acids are most commonly caused by poor diet, red meat, seafood, carbonated soft drink, obesity, excessive alcohol intake, certain medications, stress, and high blood pressure.

If you want to know more about Gout in the hand click here: Gout Hand

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Gout?

Sudden, severe pain attacks can occur, and the large toe joint becomes inflamed. It can cause redness, stiffness, swelling, and pain if the toe is touched.

Other joints can be affected, including the ankle, knees and fingers. These attacks can last anywhere from three to 10 days. These symptoms may include fever, tachycardia, or chills. Gout can lead to pain in other joints and renal colic if it isn’t treated.

Read more about the symptoms here: Gout Symptoms

How can you prevent Gout?

Diet is a key factor in hyperkalemia and gout. To avoid this, a balanced diet that includes seasonal fruits and vegetables is a great way to reduce your risk. You should drink as much water and as little as you need according to your needs. For example, if you sweat a lot, it’s a good time to do sports or other activities. We will consume more water. Remember that fresh fruits, vegetables and other nutrients are high in water. We will drink more water to stay hydrated and nourished.

Natural Remedies for Gout Treatment

It is important to detoxify and purify your body in order to remove excess uric acids. These plants and foods can be used to treat hyperuricemia.

An excellent natural supplement can be purchased here: Gout Treatment

Nettle: Eliminates excess uric acids and purifies blood. Infusions are made a few times per day.

Birch: Lowers blood uric acid levels and prevents kidney stones from being eliminated.

Cherries and Strawberries: can neutralize uric acids and have a high depurative power, which will greatly aid in eliminating uric acid. Daily consumption of 20 cherries is recommended.

Baking Soda: baking soda reduces the formation of uric acid crystals in the kidneys and promotes healthy kidney function. Add a teaspoon of baking soda and a glass water to make it. Mix well and enjoy slowly. You can take it before you go to sleep or after you wake up.

Dandelion: is a herb that helps with arthritis pain. It is also very helpful in gout prevention as it encourages the removal of uric acid crystals from the joints.

You can heat the area by either soaking the foot in hot water or warming it with an electric blanket. To provide heat and aid in the solubilization of the urate crystals.

Ulmaria: This plant aids in the elimination of uric acids from our bodies. It is also an analgesic, so it can reduce or eliminate the pain of gout. You can take it infusionally or make poultices to apply to the affected area.

Gout prevention and treatment is possible with juices or natural drinks, such as carrots, celery, cucumbers, beets, apples, oranges, and other vegetables. It is recommended to drink two glasses of water per day.

Horsetail: It promotes the elimination of urinary uric acid and helps to reduce inflammation. Infusions should be made twice daily.

Borage: Borage is a natural remedy that can help with gout and nephritis. You can either infuse it or use it as a poultice.

Ash: Helps to reduce the symptoms of arthritis. It is a powerful purifier and helps to eliminate uric acids from the blood.

Water with Lemon: is another natural way to fight gout. You can have several glasses of water throughout the day, including lemon water.

Willow: This herb fights gout, as well as other symptoms like joint pain and fever. It’s very effective and can be used in an infusion or as a poultice.

Verbena: is another herb that can be very helpful for arthritis and gout. It promotes healing and reduces pain.

Red Vine: Purifies blood through elimination of uric acid via urine. It also stimulates blood circulation and combats tachycardia.

There are more Home Remedies that can help treat Gout: Home Remedies For Gout