Tag Archives: Gout Treatment

What Home Remedies are Helpful for Gout?

Gout is a painful condition that occurs in the big toe. It can be caused by an excessive amount of uric acid. Gout sufferers tend to live a more active lifestyle and eat a diet high in protein, which can cause excessive uric acid buildup. 

In this Channel you will learn all about Gout and its natural treatments: Gout Home Remedy

Gout attacks can be sudden and cause intense pain in the big toe. Sometimes, it may also be accompanied by redness or itching. Gout causes no other complications than the discomfort and pain. The normal function of the lower extremities is affected by the pain and must be restrained until the pain subsides.

Sometimes, the inflammation may extend to the underlying tissues and even the tendons. This can lead to a more severe and persistent symptomatology which if not treated promptly could result in a nephritic condition. Gout occurs when the body’s ability to eliminate uric acid from its system is impaired.

A good diet is essential to avoid or relieve Gout pain: Gout Diet

Gout Treatment and Causes

A poor diet, as well as excessive intake of fats and protein, can increase uric acid levels in the body. Red meat and seafood are the main sources of uric acid. It is important to stop eating these foods as soon as symptoms develop and limit their intake as much as you can in order to prevent them from returning.

Because of their speed of intoxication, alcohol and other drinks can be harmful to the body and should be avoided. Gout and other diseases can also be caused by obesity. Because the metabolic functions of obese people are affected and limited due to their health, it is important to treat this condition as soon as possible in order to avoid any unfavorable consequences.

Hypertension can also lead to increased uric acid levels and gout. Because hypertension causes the joints to become entrapped and slows down the process of eliminating harmful substances, this means that the chances of developing gout are exponentially higher than for someone who is not suffering from this condition.

Poor eating habits and exercise can also limit the body’s ability for compensation, increasing the likelihood of developing gout. Although stress and fatigue can affect gout less than the other points, if the lifestyle is right, it’s possible to cause gout attacks. However, if you have a lifestyle that favors its development, then this factor can also be aggravating.

An excellent natural supplement can be found here: Gout Treatment

Gout Relief at Home

Gout can be treated at home with a variety of home remedies.

1. Eating Strawberries

You should eat four well-washed strawberries each morning. This is because, besides the fact that they contain liquids, it can help to eliminate fluid retention, and eliminate uric acid from your urine.

It is best to keep the strawberries small. If you have a reaction to strawberries, it is best to eat them right away.

2. Cotton and Elderberry

This oil can be used to reduce swelling and pain in the joints if you are suffering from the problem.

3. Water and Onion

Heat the onion in a saucepan with 10 minutes of water. Strain and then drink one cup three times daily. If the flavor is too strong, you can add one teaspoon of honey.

4. Epsom Salt (magnesium sulfate)

Gout pain relief. It is rich in magnesium and helps to lower blood pressure. Add two to three cups Epsom salt to a bath full of water and let it sit for a while before letting the water cool off.

5. Ice

Apply an ice pack to the area that is causing you pain. This will help relieve your pain and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Here you can learn more about home remedies for Gout: Home Remedies For Gout

Gout Treatment Advice and Recommendations

  • Red meat, seafood and other foods that increase uric acid levels in the body should be avoided. Limit them until your health condition improves. Avoid fatty and fried foods.
  • Avoid all drinks that could increase your chances of developing gout, such as alcohol (it’s important to limit its consumption), carbonated drinks, and coffee. You can replace them with water or natural juices, to benefit from their purifying properties.
  • Gout attacks can be helped by drinking enough fluids. Drink 2 liters of fluids per day.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAIDs), can be used to reduce severe pain.
  • Exercise improves the body’s ability of eliminating toxins through sweat and speeds up metabolism. This can accelerate the elimination of harmful substances.
  • A healthy weight is an important preventive measure, especially for those who are prone or have experienced recurrent attacks.
  • Avoid taking medications if you can. Many of them are not proven to be effective in treating gout. There is also a chance that side effects may occur.
  • To fight inflammation, strawberries and cherries have the compounds bioflavonoids, anthocyanins and tart cherries. These compounds can both alleviate and prevent symptoms. Some strawberries have shown good results in eliminating the uric acid. These fruits are also rich in antioxidants that can help repair and prevent free radical damage.
  • Increase your intake of healthy foods. Some foods can be diuretic and help to reduce uric acid levels. These beneficial foods include vegetables and fruits. We can find some of the most important ones: tomatoes, lemon, apple, strawberry and celery.


Do you Suffer from Gout Disease?

Gout Definition

Gout is a disorder in which deposits of uric acid crystals build up in the joints as a result of high concentrations of uric acid in the blood (hyperuricaemia). The crystal accumulations cause flare-ups (crises) of painful inflammation in and around the joints.
The build-up of uric acid crystals can intermittently cause severe pain and inflammation in joints or tissues.

Gout Management

Drugs are given to relieve the inflammation and pain caused by flare-ups, and different drugs (usually taken for life) are used to lower blood concentrations of uric acid which, over time, reduce uric acid deposits and prevent recurrence of flare-ups.

Gout is more common in men than in women. It usually occurs in middle-aged men and post-menopausal women. It is rare in young people, but is usually more severe in those who have developed the disease before the age of 30. Gout, caused by high levels of uric acid (hyperuricaemia), often runs in families.

Here a great community that share all about natural medicine for gout: Gout Home Remedy.

Blood levels of uric acid tend to be high in people with metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is characterised by a large waistline (due to excess abdominal fat), high blood pressure, resistance to the effects of insulin (called insulin resistance) or high blood sugar levels, as well as abnormal concentrations of cholesterol and other blood lipids.

Coronary artery disease and metabolic syndrome are common among people with gout.

Gout Treatment

Gout Causes

Uric acid, which is a by-product of the breakdown of nucleic acids (ribonucleic acid [RNA] and deoxyribonucleic acid [DNA]) in cells. It is present in small amounts in the blood, because the body continually breaks down cells and forms new cells. In addition, the body easily converts certain substances in food, called purines, into uric acid. Purines are building blocks of RNA and DNA. Uric acid is removed from the blood mainly through the kidneys and the gastrointestinal tract.

Abnormally elevated uric acid levels in the blood are the result of:

  • Decreased uric acid elimination by the kidneys (the most common cause) or the gastrointestinal tract
  • excessive consumption of purine-rich foods and/or alcohol (usually a minor factor)
  • production of excess uric acid (rare)

Often, the concentration of uric acid in the blood becomes unusually high when the kidneys cannot sufficiently eliminate it through the urine. This cause is usually determined by the subject’s genes. An excess of uric acid in the blood can lead to the formation and deposition of uric acid crystals in the joints. Conditions that can affect the kidneys’ ability to remove uric acid also include:

  • Some types of kidney disease
  • Certain drugs
  • saturnism (lead poisoning)

Excessive consumption of purine-rich foods (liver, kidneys, anchovies, asparagus, consommés, herring, meat sauces and soups, mushrooms, mussels, sardines and sweetbreads) can increase the level of uric acid in the blood. However, a strict low-purine diet reduces the uric acid level by only a small amount. In the past, when meat and fish were scarce, gout was considered a disease of the rich.

Combining high-purine diets with alcohol or especially drinks containing high fructose corn syrup can make problems worse, because all these drinks can increase uric acid production and make it more difficult to be eliminated through the kidneys.

For unknown reasons, not all people with an abnormally high concentration of uric acid in the blood (hyperuricaemia) develop gout. Therefore, gout should not be diagnosed by blood test alone.

Risk factors for the development of gout

  • Beer (including non-alcoholic beer) and spirits
  • Foods and beverages containing high fructose corn syrup
  • Certain foods (especially anchovies, asparagus, consommé, herring, meat sauces and broths, mushrooms, mussels, all offal, sardines and sweetbreads; red meat, poultry and fish contribute in part to elevated uric acid concentrations)
  • Low daily intake of dairy products
  • Certain cancers and blood diseases (such as lymphoma, leukaemia and haemolytic anaemia)
    certain medications (such as thiazide diuretics, cyclosporine, pyrazinamide, ethambutol and nicotinic acid)
  • Saturnism (lead poisoning)
  • Obesity
  • Psoriasis
  • Radiotherapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Some rare enzyme disorders
  • Starvation

Did you know that?

In the past, when meat and fish (purine-rich foods) were scarce and the rich feasted on wine and beer, gout was considered a disease associated with wealth.
High levels of uric acid in the blood often lead to high levels of uric acid in the joints. This process results in the formation of uric acid crystals in joint tissue and intra-articular fluid (synovial fluid).

Gout most commonly affects the joints of the foot, especially the base of the big toe (the swelling, pain and redness of the big toe is called podagra). However, other areas are also frequently affected: the ankle, instep, knee, wrist and elbow. Gout tends to affect colder areas of the body because uric acid crystals form more easily there than in warmer areas. Rarely, gout affects joints in the warmer, central area of the body, such as those of the spine, hips or shoulders.

Sudden, severe flare-ups of gout (acute gouty arthritis) can occur without warning. They can be triggered by

  • Injury
  • Illness (such as pneumonia or other infection)
  • Surgery
  • Initiation of treatment with certain medications (such as diuretics, allopurinol, febuxostat, probenecid, and nitroglycerin, particularly intravenous nitroglycerin, which contains alcohol) that can abruptly change uric acid levels in the blood (but often these medications are medically necessary)
  • Consumption of large amounts of alcohol or purine-rich foods

Gout Symptoms

Typically, during a flare-up, severe pain occurs suddenly in one or more joints, often at night. The nocturnal pain probably occurs because fluid that has accumulated in the joint during the day leaves the joint more quickly than uric acid when the subject is lying down, causing the uric acid to concentrate and thus form crystals more easily. The pain gets progressively worse and often becomes unbearable, especially when moving or touching the joint.

The joint becomes inflamed, swollen and warm, and the skin over it becomes reddish or purplish, tight and shiny.

Other symptoms of a flare-up are sometimes

  • Fever
  • Acceleration of the heart rate (tachycardia)
  • A feeling of general malaise
  • Chills (very rarely)

The first outbreaks usually affect only one joint and last at most one week.

Symptoms gradually disappear, joint function is restored and no symptoms reappear until the next flare-up. However, if the disease progresses, untreated flare-ups last longer, occur more frequently and affect several joints. Without treatment, subsequent outbreaks can last up to 3 weeks. A person with an outbreak who develops a fever above 101° F (38.3° C), chills, or any other severe symptoms (e.g., weakness, vomiting, rash, or any difficulty breathing), especially if there is no experience with previous outbreaks or if this is the first outbreak, should call a doctor or go to an emergency department, as these symptoms may also be due to a joint infection or a completely different problem.

After repeated outbreaks, gout can become severe and chronic and can lead to joint deformity.

Over time, joint mobility becomes progressively restricted as a result of damage caused by uric acid crystal deposits in the joints and tendons.

Read here to know if you have gout: Gout Symptoms.

==> You have the solution with this natural home remedy made of Boswellia and Curcuma in cream form: Gout Cure.

How to prevent Gout?

Gout, also known as Hyperuricemia, is a condition that results from the buildup of uric acid within the joints. Sometimes, kidney stones, nephritic collic, or other problems or malfunctions can be caused by uric acid crystals. Gout is more common in middle-aged people than it is in women. 

In this Channel you will learn all about Gout: Gout Home Remedy

What causes gout?

Gout and high uric acids are most commonly caused by poor diet, red meat, seafood, carbonated soft drink, obesity, excessive alcohol intake, certain medications, stress, and high blood pressure.

If you want to know more about Gout in the hand click here: Gout Hand

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Gout?

Sudden, severe pain attacks can occur, and the large toe joint becomes inflamed. It can cause redness, stiffness, swelling, and pain if the toe is touched.

Other joints can be affected, including the ankle, knees and fingers. These attacks can last anywhere from three to 10 days. These symptoms may include fever, tachycardia, or chills. Gout can lead to pain in other joints and renal colic if it isn’t treated.

Read more about the symptoms here: Gout Symptoms

How can you prevent Gout?

Diet is a key factor in hyperkalemia and gout. To avoid this, a balanced diet that includes seasonal fruits and vegetables is a great way to reduce your risk. You should drink as much water and as little as you need according to your needs. For example, if you sweat a lot, it’s a good time to do sports or other activities. We will consume more water. Remember that fresh fruits, vegetables and other nutrients are high in water. We will drink more water to stay hydrated and nourished.

Natural Remedies for Gout Treatment

It is important to detoxify and purify your body in order to remove excess uric acids. These plants and foods can be used to treat hyperuricemia.

An excellent natural supplement can be purchased here: Gout Treatment

Nettle: Eliminates excess uric acids and purifies blood. Infusions are made a few times per day.

Birch: Lowers blood uric acid levels and prevents kidney stones from being eliminated.

Cherries and Strawberries: can neutralize uric acids and have a high depurative power, which will greatly aid in eliminating uric acid. Daily consumption of 20 cherries is recommended.

Baking Soda: baking soda reduces the formation of uric acid crystals in the kidneys and promotes healthy kidney function. Add a teaspoon of baking soda and a glass water to make it. Mix well and enjoy slowly. You can take it before you go to sleep or after you wake up.

Dandelion: is a herb that helps with arthritis pain. It is also very helpful in gout prevention as it encourages the removal of uric acid crystals from the joints.

You can heat the area by either soaking the foot in hot water or warming it with an electric blanket. To provide heat and aid in the solubilization of the urate crystals.

Ulmaria: This plant aids in the elimination of uric acids from our bodies. It is also an analgesic, so it can reduce or eliminate the pain of gout. You can take it infusionally or make poultices to apply to the affected area.

Gout prevention and treatment is possible with juices or natural drinks, such as carrots, celery, cucumbers, beets, apples, oranges, and other vegetables. It is recommended to drink two glasses of water per day.

Horsetail: It promotes the elimination of urinary uric acid and helps to reduce inflammation. Infusions should be made twice daily.

Borage: Borage is a natural remedy that can help with gout and nephritis. You can either infuse it or use it as a poultice.

Ash: Helps to reduce the symptoms of arthritis. It is a powerful purifier and helps to eliminate uric acids from the blood.

Water with Lemon: is another natural way to fight gout. You can have several glasses of water throughout the day, including lemon water.

Willow: This herb fights gout, as well as other symptoms like joint pain and fever. It’s very effective and can be used in an infusion or as a poultice.

Verbena: is another herb that can be very helpful for arthritis and gout. It promotes healing and reduces pain.

Red Vine: Purifies blood through elimination of uric acid via urine. It also stimulates blood circulation and combats tachycardia.

There are more Home Remedies that can help treat Gout: Home Remedies For Gout